Thinking of becoming a Friendship Circle Volunteer?
Welcome to your teenage years. Certainly there are many things you’ve been enjoying: ipods, DVDs, parties, perhaps updating your wardrobe? Spending time on the phone, spending even more time on Facebook, or simply hanging out with friends. All of these are good and fine. But there is something else you can be doing in addition, that would make a real difference; a difference in your life and in the life of a very special child. The kind of thing that will add incredible amounts of joy and meaning to all of the other things you’ve got going on.
We’re talking about joining up with an exciting group called the Friendship Circle. Dozens of teens your age all over Passaic County are already participating. Ask around at school. Chances are that someone you know is already volunteering, and you don't want to miss out
It’s about volunteering some of your time for a child in your neighborhood who really needs a friend — a child with special needs. It’s about the amazingly fun times and the incredible feelings of accomplishment you will enjoy while you’re at it.
The foundation of the Friendship Circle is its Friends @ Home. Volunteers are paired up with a child with special needs in their community and a weekly visit is scheduled. Additional programs such as Holiday Events and Sports League require assistance from volunteers, and you may choose to volunteer at these events too. Volunteers are expected to attend 3 training sessions throughout the year and submit weekly summaries of the time spent at their special friend's home.
Assistance from the Friendship Circle office is available at any time needed. A monthly email will include ideas for your Friends @ Home visit and a listing of the month's events. The Friendship Circle page on Facebook will include updated information regarding the goings on and anything else you may need to know.
This year, we are proud to introduce our new Volunteer President Club! Comprised of one or two volunteers from each school, the Volunteer Presidents are the elite of our volunteers who want to be more active and make a bigger dent in our community through the Friendship Circle. Being a President has both privileges and responsibilities and isn't a position to be taken lightly.
We welcome this year's
Emily Bolson, Becky Jenkins, Julie Jenkins and Sydney Levitt
Eunho Jung